From the Easel

Presently under construction…this page links to gallery pages devoted to different mediums and informational resources

The paintings in these galleries will be available either as original works of art or as photographic prints for purchase and lovingly shipped to you. So check back in a short while after I have my store front open or contact me direct through the website and I will get pricing and shipping info to you as available

Oil paintings

Here you will find my Gallery of Oil Paintings

acrylic paintings

This is a link to my Gallery of Acrylic paintings

Encaustic paintings

Here you will find a Gallery of work done in melted beeswax and soon to be informational resources on Encaustic medium, “What it is and how it’s done”

Watercolor Paintings

This Gallery presents past and recent examples of my work done in traditional watercolors and other water soluble media such as gouache.