Experimental Photography

Painting With Light

“Flash Fright”

I like how I seem to be eating the fence rail in this digital image

I used a Sony a6000 camera to capture this picture and it’s a 30 sec exposure at f/5 with the speed set at ISO 100. The exposure was metered for the background and moon light and I manually fired the flash head multiple times off of the camera

“Flash Fire”

This is another in a series of digital images captured with my Sony a6000. It’s a 30 sec exposure at f/5.6 ISO 400 and I manually fired the flash head multiple times, hand held off the camera with the metered exposure calculated for the background lights and the moon light

Timed Exposures

Gallery image

“Kennedy Plaza in winter”

This image was captured at 3:00 in the morning on Kodachrome 25 color slide film at f/11 for 1 1/2 minutes. It was about 5 deg. F. out so almost all of the moisture was frozen out of the air improving the aerial perspective. The light source is just the ambient lights

“Green light”

This is a timed exposure where I metered the green traffic light with my flash meter and found the best exposure was to accumulate 3 cycles of the green light but I didn’t want to light the composition with the yellow or red cycles so I opened the shutter and covered the lens with my hand during those cycles of the light. Then I fired the flash manually off the camera and from a low angle to light the hydrant and foreground with correctly balanced white light.

“graveyard shift”

This is a timed exposure where I metered a green traffic light with my flash meter and found the best exposure was to accumulate multiple cycles of the green light balanced with key light from a porch light shining on the tomb stone. I opened the shutter and covered the lens during yellow and red cycles of the traffic light. about a minute and half accumulated light on the Kodak ASA 100 color negative print film

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